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Cookie Policy

Our website and ecommerce shop has been built on software created by Bluepark Solutions Ltd and information processed by the Bluepark software utilises two cookie files when you visit our site. These are:

PHPSESSID which enables our site to recognise you (as the user of the site) as you move from page to page throughout the site. If you have added items to your shopping basket the presence of this cookie will ensure that those items are stored within the shopping basket and not deleted when you move to another page. This cookie is therefore essential to ensure that the online shopping function works. It will however expire as soon as your browser exits our site.

Session Cookie. If you have indicated any preferences on our site during a previous visit this cookie will identify you as a returning customer so that you don’t need to enter details again. Items that were left in your shopping basket will still be available. If you have used an email address and password (which will have been encrypted) these details will also have been saved. Once you sign out your login details are removed from the cookie and the cookie will be deleted after one year.

If you do not want these cookie files stored on your computer’s hard drive you may be able to change your cookie preferences in your internet browser. However, please note that they are essential to the efficient working of our site and it will not function correctly without them.

So what are cookies?

When you access our website through your browser a small text file will be created and saved to your hard drive, at the same time a corresponding text file will be created on our own site. This ensures that you are recognised by our system and remembered as you navigate our site thereby enhancing your experience as a visitor. Very little information is included in the cookie text file and they have a very limited function.

Our current policy is to only use those cookies that are necessary for the efficient functioning of our site and your experience when you use it.

Third party cookies

We include links to other sites and organisations in our newsletters and articles if we believe they would be of genuine interest or add clarification to our own opinions. We have no control over the policies on those sites so please check that you are happy with their policies if you decide to visit them.

We do have buttons on our site which will take you to our social media pages should you choose to access them. There are no active cookies on our site in respect of these sites but if you visit their pages no doubt they will have cookies that will be activated. We recommend you review their individual cookie policies before exploring their sites.

We do not currently use tracking software such as google analytics.

We do not use cookies that enable third parties to collect your data in order to serve you advertising or marketing information.
If you would like further information about cookies, how they work, can be managed or deleted the following sites are useful.